Catalog name Description price
R-M3-009 300nm Non-Fluorescent DOPC/CHOL Liposomes Non-fluorescent DOPC/cholesterol liposomes are versatile tools in drug delivery, vaccine formulation, and membrane studies. Their favorable biophysical properties, derived from the combination of DOPC and cholesterol, allow for the encapsulation of various therapeutic entities while maintaining biological compatibility. price>
R-M3-010 300nm DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with Rhodamine DHPE DOPC/cholesterol liposomes labeled with Rhodamine DHPE represent a versatile tool for researchers in biochemistry, pharmacology, and cellular biology. Their combination of biocompatibility, stability, and fluorescence makes them particularly valuable for a wide range of applications, from drug delivery to fundamental studies of membrane dynamics. price>
R-M3-011 300nm DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with Fluorescein DHPE 300 nm DOPC/CHOL liposomes labeled with Fluorescein DHPE facilitate advanced research opportunities in drug delivery systems, molecular imaging, and cellular interaction studies. price>
R-M3-012 PEGylated DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiO,100nm PEGylated DOPC/CHOL liposomes labeled with DiO offer a versatile platform for drug delivery and imaging applications. The fluorescent control liposomes contain the green lipophilic dye DiO incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes by common methods like confocal, FACS, etc. The green fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiOC18(3) is widely used as a lipophilic tracer. It is weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>
R-M3-013 PEGylated DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiR (100nm) The fluorescent control liposomes contain the lipophilic Near IR dye DiR incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes in vitro and in vivo by common methods like confocal, FACS, NIR imaging etc. The near IR fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiOC18(7) ("DiR") is weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. The sulfonate groups incorporated into this DiI analog improves water solubility. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>
R-M3-014 PEGylated DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiI(100nm) PEGylated DOPC/CHOL liposomes labeled with DiI are a powerful tool for drug delivery and imaging. Their formulation improves stability and circulation time, while the fluorescent labeling allows for valuable insights into pharmacokinetics and biological interactions. DiI/DiIC18(3) is a lipophilic membrane dye. It is weakly fluorescent until incorporated into liposome membranes. This orange—red-fluorescent dye, which is spectrally similar to tetramethylrhodamine, is often used as a long-term tracer for neuronal and other cells. price>
R-LCS15 Liposome entrapped CY3-resveratrol (100nm) Resveratrol, also known as stilbene, has a chemical formula name of 3,4 , 5-trihydroxystilbene, and is a non flavonoid compound. Resveratrol, as a phytoalexin, has a wide range of biological activities. Liposomes are composed of lipid bilayer. The domain cell membrane is similar, with good cell fusion and transdermal penetration. price>
R-M3-015 PEGylated DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiA,100 nm PEGylated DOPC/CHOL liposomes labeled with DiA is used for cellular imaging and drug delivery purposes. DiA: 4-Di-16-ASP (4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-Methylpyridinium Iodide). price>
R-M3-016 PEGylated DOPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE Liposomes labeled with DiD (100nm) The fluorescent control liposomes contain the lipophilic dye DiD incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes by common methods like confocal, FACS, etc. The far-red fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiD is a longer-wavelength DiI analog. It is an oil at room temperature and weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>
R-M3-017 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiD (100nm) The fluorescent control liposomes contain the lipophilic dye DiD incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes by common methods like confocal, FACS, etc. The far-red fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiD is a longer-wavelength DiI analog. It is an oil at room temperature and weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>