Catalog name Description price
R-R-5666 Tanespimycin (17-AAG) Liposomes, Formulation XT28.1 Tanespimycin (17-AAG) Liposomes, Formulation XT28.1. PEGylated liposomes containing Hsp90 inhibitor Tanespimycin (17-AAG). Tanespimycin exhibits 100-fold higher binding affinity to HSP90 derived from tumor cells vs normal cells, and induces apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, and mitophagy. Tanespimycin is insoluble in aqueous media. This product is a pre-formulated liposomal version of Tanespimycin which is supplied ready to use in vitro or in vivo. The liposomes are PEGylated for optimal in vivo performance. For preclinical research use only. price>
R-R-5667 DT-061 (SMAP) Liposomes, Formulation TT-40 DT-061 (SMAP) Liposomes, Formulation TT-40. PEGylated liposomes containing PP2A activator DT-061 (SMAP). DT-061 is an activator of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). PP2A regulates many cellular signaling pathways including MAPK/ERK, Wnt/β-catenin, Akt/mTOR, GSK3β, p53/apoptosis, cell cycle, and others. This product can be used in vitro or in vivo for studying the effects of PP2A activation and could be applied to preclinical therapy of KRAS-mutant and MYC-driven tumors. The liposomes are PEGylated for optimal in vivo performance. For preclinical research use only. price>
R-R-5668 Liposomes for Loading Hydrophobic Drugs Liposomes for Loading Hydrophobic Drugs (5.0mL). This pre-formed liposome product is created for post loading of hydrophobic small molecule compounds into liposomes. The process of drug incorporation is very straight-forward. Then simply add an aliquot of drug solution (prepared in a water-miscible solvent such as ethanol, DMSO and etc.) into the liposome suspension. The drug molecules can be incorporated into the lipid bilayers by the nature of hydrophobic interactions. The drug solubility therefore could be significantly enhanced. Liposomal drug concentration of 1-2 mg/mL could be achieved for most lipophilic drugs. PEGylation of the liposomes provides not only better formulation stability but also the potential of achieving prolonged in vivo blood circulation. The finished drug loaded formulations are suitable for either in vitro testing or in vivo studies. price>
R-R-5669 HSPC/CHOL (55:45 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm) HSPC/CHOL (55:45 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm). HSPC/CHO liposomes with ammonium gradient is the formulator choice for loading of weakly basic compounds, because it offers significantly improved drug retention and the ease of use in terms of process parameters such as loading temperature (60-70 deg C). One can use this liposomes as the placebo control for the drug loaded formulation or use the much cheaper plain HSPC/CHOL liposomes as placebo control. price>
R-R-5670 DSPC/CHOL (55:45 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm) DSPC/CHOL (55:45 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm). DSPC/CHO liposomes with ammonium gradient is the formulator choice for loading of weakly basic compounds, because it offers significantly improved drug retention and the ease of use in terms of process parameters such as loading temperature (60-70 deg C). One can use this liposomes as the placebo control for the drug loaded formulation or use the much cheaper plain DSPC liposomes as placebo control (F10203). price>
R-R-5671 HSPC/CHOL/mPEG2000-DSPE (50:45:5 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm) HSPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE liposomes with ammonium gradient is the formulator choice in pharmaceutical/biotech industry for both formulation feasibility studies and liposomal product development, because HSPC is essentially equivalent to DSPC (HSPC contains about 85 % DSPC 15% DPPC). The main advantages for using HSPC are its lower cost and availability of GMP quality raw materials. price>
R-R-5672 DSPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE (50:45:5 mol/mol) Liposomes with Ammonium Sulfate Gradient (100nm) This product is prepared to the finest quality and shipped to you ready for drug loading. DSPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE liposomes with ammonium gradient is the formulator choice for loading of weakly basic compounds, because it offers significantly improved drug retention and the ease of use in terms of process parameters such as loading temperature (60-70 deg C) price>
R-M1-cs8797 ROS responsive liposomes loaded with CE6+ML385+L-arginine By combining these three components (CE6, ML385, and L-arginine) within ROS responsive liposomes, it is possible to create a targeted drug delivery system that responds to specific oxidative conditions found in the body. The release of the cargo can be triggered by ROS, leading to local therapeutic effects. price>
R-M1-cs8798 ROS responsive liposomes loaded with CE6+ML385 The combination of CE6 and ML385 in ROS responsive liposomes can be particularly useful in targeting and treating diseases or conditions characterized by high ROS levels, such as certain cancers, inflammatory disorders, and oxidative stress-related diseases. price>
R-M1-8676 Blank Lipid nanoparticles-GIn(100nm) Blank lipome nanoparticles-GIn/Blank liposome nanoparticles-GIn(100nm) can be used for drug loading, drug delivery and targeted cell research. price>