Catalog name Description price
R-M3-001 HSPC/Chol/DSPE-mPEG2000 (56.2/38.5/5.3, mol/mol) Liposomes (DiD-labeled) HSPC/Chol/DSPE-mPEG2000(56.2/38.5/5.3,mol/mol)liposomes,DiD-labeled.The liposomes are labeled with the fluorescent dye, DiD, which enables the study of cellular uptake and biodistribution by flow cytometry. Simply detect the DiD label on your flow cytometer in place of the APC fluorophore. PEGylated to improve stability, prolong circulation time and reduce reticuloendothelial system clearance for in vivo applications. price>
R-M3-002 HSPC/Chol (55/45, mol/mol) Liposomes HSPC/Chol (55/45,mol/mol) liposomes are commonly used in drug delivery, research, and various applications where the lipid composition of the liposomes influences their stability, encapsulation efficiency, drug release kinetics, and interactions with biological systems. price>
R-M3-003 DSPC/Chol (55/45, mol/mol) Liposomes DSPC/Chol (55/45, mol/mol) liposomes are commonly used in drug delivery systems, research, and various applications where the lipid composition of the liposomes affects their characteristics, such as stability, drug encapsulation efficiency, release properties, and interactions with biological systems. price>
R-M3-004 DMPC Liposomes DMPC liposomes are vesicles formed by self-assembly of DMPC molecules in aqueous solutions. These liposomes can be utilized in various applications in drug delivery, biological studies, and as model systems to mimic cell membranes. The properties of DMPC liposomes can be tailored by altering parameters such as lipid composition, size, surface charge, and content encapsulation, making them versatile tools in biomedical and pharmaceutical research. price>
R-M3-005 HSPC Liposomes HSPC liposomes can be tailored for various applications in drug delivery, cosmetics, and research. These liposomes offer advantages such as enhanced stability, a well-defined bilayer structure, and compatibility with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. HSPC liposomes are commonly employed to encapsulate drugs, nutrients, or other bioactive agents for targeted delivery and controlled release in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. price>
R-LCS06 CY5/auranofin @ LNP-DBCO Cy5 DBCO is an azide reactive probe used for imaging azide-tagged biomolecules via a copper-free “click reaction”. DBCO moiety reacts with azides to form a stable triazole and does not require Cu-catalyst or elevated temperatures. This far-red fluorescent probe is water-soluble, and its fluorescence is pH-insensitive from pH 4 to pH 10. price>
R-M3-006 DSPC Liposomes DSPC liposomes find applications in drug delivery, gene therapy, cosmetic formulations, and research. They serve as versatile vehicles for delivering therapeutic agents, imaging agents, and bioactive compounds in a targeted and controlled manner. price>
R-LCS07 Blank liposome Liposomes are hollow spheres composed of bilayer molecules of lipids (lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, nerve sphingomyelin, etc.), and oleoyl phospholipids (DOPC) are commonly used membrane materials for preparing liposomes. price>
R-M3-007 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with Fluorescein DHPE,200-250nm DOPC/cholesterol liposomes labeled with Fluorescein N-(fluorescein-5-thiocarbamoyl)-1,2-dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, triethylammonium salt are powerful tools in modern biophysics and drug delivery research. Their unique combination of biocompatibility, stability, and fluorescent properties makes them invaluable for a wide array of applications involving lipid-based drug delivery systems, cellular interaction studies, and membrane dynamics. price>
R-M3-008 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with Texas Red DHPE,200-250 nm DOPC/cholesterol liposomes labeled with Texas Red DHPE represent a versatile and powerful tool in the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, and drug delivery research. The combination of the fluid phospholipid DOPC, the stabilizing effects of cholesterol, and the fluorescent properties of Texas Red enables a wide range of applications, including drug delivery, membrane studies, and cellular uptake analysis. Their ability to be tracked and visualized in biological systems makes them invaluable for advancing our understanding of lipid-based systems and their interactions within cellular environments. price>