Catalog name Description price
R-M3-018 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiR (100nm) The fluorescent control liposomes contain the lipophilic Near IR dye DiR incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes in vitro and in vivo by common methods like confocal, FACS, NIR imaging etc. The near IR fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiOC18(7) ("DiR") is weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. The sulfonate groups incorporated into this DiI analog improves water solubility. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>
R-LCS19 Blank Liposome-FITC (100nm) As a drug carrier, liposomes are widely used in ligand-modified targeting liposomes in drug delivery systems. The parameters such as conformation and density of targeting ligand molecules on the surface of liposomes have a significant impact on the liposome itself. Its characteristics and its targeting effect in vivo have a great influence. price>
R-M3-019 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiO (100nm) The fluorescent control liposomes contain the green lipophilic dye DiO incorporated in the bilayers. It is used for tracking the cellular uptake of the liposomes by common methods like confocal, FACS, etc. The green fluorescent, lipophilic carbocyanine DiOC18(3) is widely used as a lipophilic tracer. It is weakly fluorescent in water but highly fluorescent and quite photostable when incorporated into membranes. It has an extremely high extinction coefficient and short excited-state lifetimes (~1 nanosecond) in lipid environments. price>
R-LCS20 Liposome encapsulated perfluoro-n-pentane (100-200nm, 5mg/ml) As a drug carrier, liposomes are widely used in ligand-modified targeting liposomes in drug delivery systems. The parameters such as conformation and density of targeting ligand molecules on the surface of liposomes have a significant impact on the liposome itself. Its characteristics and its targeting effect in vivo have a great influence. price>
R-M3-020 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiA (100nm) DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiA (100nm) is a type of liposome nanomaterial that can be used in fields such as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery.DiA: 4-Di-16-ASP (4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-Methylpyridinium Iodide). price>
R-M3-021 DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with DiI (100nm) DOPC/CHOL Liposomes labeled with Dil (100nm) is a type of liposome nanomaterial that can be used in fields such as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery. price>
R-M3-022 100nm, DOPC/CHOL Liposomes Labeled with NBD-PE 100nm, DOPC/CHOL Liposomes Labeled with NBD-PE is a type of liposome nanomaterial that can be used in fields such as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery. price>
R-LCS23 Blank LNP-CY7 Lipid nanoparticles for nucleic acid delivery generally consist of cationic lipids, cholesterol, helper lipids, pegylated phospholipids, and stabilizer materials. Our company publicly synthesizes fluorescent dye products in different bands, such as: CY3/CY3.5/CY5/CY5.5/CY7/CY7.5 and other basic fluorescent dyes, and also provides the above fluorescently labeled proteins, sugars, amino acids, polymers and other products. price>
R-M3-023 DOPC/CHOL/mPEG2000-DSPE Liposomes Labeled with NBD-PE (100nm) DOPC/CHOL/mPEG2000-DSPE Liposomes Labeled with NBD-PE (100nm) is a type of liposome nanomaterial that can be used in fields such as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery. price>
R-M3-024 DOPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE Liposomes Labeled with Dansyl DOPE (100nm) DOPC/CHOL/mPEG-DSPE Liposomes Labeled with Dansyl DOPE (100nm)is a type of liposome nanomaterial that can be used in fields such as Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery. price>