Catalog name Description price
R-C-5416 DSPE-CY3 DSPE is a phospholipid commonly used in the formulation of liposomes or other lipid-based drug delivery systems. It provides stability and biocompatibility to these systems. By attaching a fluorescent dye to DSPE, the resulting DSPE-CY3 conjugate can be used to label liposomes and track their uptake, distribution, or localization in biological systems. price>
R-C-5417 DSPE-PEG-CY7.5 DSPE is a phospholipid commonly used in liposomal formulations and lipid-based drug delivery systems. It provides stability and biocompatibility to these systems.PEG2K,a polyethylene glycol chain, is often attached to DSPE to enhance the stability and circulation time of the lipid conjugate.CY7.5 is a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent dye belonging to the cyanine family of dyes.It has excitation and emission wavelengths in the near-infrared range,typically around 750-800 nanometers. price>
R-C-5431 DOPC+POPS Blank liposomes DOPC is a commonly used neural analogue with good biocompatibility and stability. POPS is a negatively charged phospholipid that mainly exists in the inner layer of cell membranes. POPS can interact with positively charged molecules or Drug interaction for drug delivery systems or preparation of liposomes.Blank liposomes are liposomes that do not carry drugs or other active ingredients and are typically used as carriers for drug delivery systems or as models for studying the structure and function of biofilms. price>
R-C-5441 DSPE-PEG2K-Maltohexaose DSPE-PEG2K-Maltohexaose is designed to combine the properties of DSPE,PEG2K,and maltohexaose. The presence of maltohexaose could be useful for various applications, such as membrane stability, targeting specific receptors or cells,promoting cellular uptake,or modulating biological interactions.The DSPE and PEG2K components provide stability and solubility to the overall structure. price>
R-C-5442 DOPE-FITC 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-Fluorescein, also known as DOPE-Fluorescein, is a specific compound used in molecular biology research and experimentation. It is a fluorescent lipid probe that is often used to label and track cellular membranes. This molecule consists of a phospholipid backbone (dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine) with a fluorescein dye attached to it. price>
R-C-5444 DSPE-TK-PEG5000-Borneol DSPE is a commonly used lipid in nanoparticle formulations due to its ability to form stable lipid bilayers. It can provide structural integrity and stability to the nanoparticles. PEG is a hydrophilic polymer that can be used as a coating material to improve the stability and pharmacokinetics of nanoparticles. Borneol is a natural bicyclic monoterpene alcohol that has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, including enhancing drug delivery. price>
R-C-5445 DSPE-PEG3400-ACA DSPE is a lipid that is commonly used in nanoparticle formulations due to its ability to form stable lipid bilayers.PEG is a hydrophilic polymer. When included in the formulation, it can serve as a coating material to improve the stability and biocompatibility of nanoparticles. acrylic acid, is a monomer that can be used in the synthesis of polymers.DSPE-PEG-ACA can enable the attachment of various molecules, such as targeting ligands or therapeutic agents, to the nanoparticle surface, enhancing their specific delivery to target cells or tissues. price>
R-C-5446 DSPE-PEG2K-KTLLPTP DSPE is a lipid commonly used in nanoparticle formulations due to its ability to form stable lipid bilayers.PEG is a hydrophilic polymer that can be used as a coating material to improve the stability and biocompatibility of nanoparticles.KTLLPTP is a specific peptide sequence that is often used for targeting purposes in nanoparticle formulations.The choice of this specific peptide sequence suggests that the formulation is designed to target cells or tissues that express receptors or proteins that have an affinity for this peptide. By incorporating the KTLLPTP sequence,the nanoparticles can specifically bind to these receptor-bearing cells,enhancing the accumulation of the nanoparticles at the target site. price>
R-C-5452 DSPE-TK-PEG2000-NHS DSPE-thioketal-PEG-NHS combines these three components to create a versatile delivery system. The DSPE component enables incorporation into lipid-based nanocarriers, while the thioketal linker provides a controlled release mechanism. The PEG moiety imparts stealth properties, reducing immune recognition and extending circulation time,which may improve the delivery efficacy and reduce side effects.This product is only suitable for scientific research and is not intended for human body research. price>
R-C-5453 DSPE-PEG2K-M2pep-FITC DSPE-PEG2K-M2pep-FITC creates a multifunctional conjugate that possesses targeting capabilities and fluorescence properties. It can be incorporated into liposomes or other lipid-based nanoparticles to encapsulate drugs or imaging agents for targeted delivery. The M2pep moiety provides selectivity to specific cells or tissues associated with the disease being targeted, aiding in localization and enhanced therapeutic effectiveness. The FITC label allows easy visualization and monitoring of the drug delivery system in real-time.This product is only suitable for scientific research and is not intended for human body research. price>