Catalog name Description price
R-C-5365 DSPE-PEG350-GGSGGSKG 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol-GGSGGSKG is a chemical compound that is used in the field of drug delivery and nanotechnology. It is a lipid-based molecule consisting of a phospholipid (DSPE) backbone, polyethylene glycol (PEG) linker, and a peptide sequence (GGSGGSKG) attached at the end.The GGSGGSKG peptide sequence is often used as a targeting ligand, allowing specific binding and uptake of the DSPE-PEG-GGSGGSKG conjugates by target cells. price>
R-C-5369 DSPE-PEG2000-KKKKKKKKK DSPE-PEG2000-KKKKKKKKK is a type of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-conjugated phospholipid that is used as a coating or surfactant for nanoparticles and liposomes.The Ks in the name represent lysine residues,which can help improve the stability and cellular uptake of the coated particles.PEGylation of particles can also help improve their circulation time in vivo and reduce immunogenicity. price>
R-C-5370 DSPE-PEG2000-GWTLNSAGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKI DSPE-PEG2000-GWTLNSAGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKI is a type of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-conjugated phospholipid that is used as a coating or surfactant for nanoparticles and liposomes. This specific conjugate is modified with a peptide sequence that includes the amino acid residues GWTLNSAGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKI. price>
R-C-5371 DSPE-PEG2000-WEAKLAKALAKALAKHLAKALAKALKACEA DSPE-PEG2000-WEAKLAKALAKALAKHLAKALAKALKACEA is a phospholipid-PEG conjugate that is commonly used as a coating or surfactant for nanoparticles and liposomes. The peptide sequence attached to the DSPE-PEG2000 is known as the peptide C, which is a short 22-amino acid sequence composed of alternating lysine (K) and alanine (A) residues, as well as tryptophan (W), glutamic acid (E), and the amino acid sequence LAKALAKALAKHLAKALAKALKACEA. price>
R-C-5372 DSPE-PEG2000-GRKKRRQGGGPPQ DSPE-PEG2000-GRKKRRQGGGPPQ is a phospholipid-PEG conjugate that is often used as a coating or surfactant for nanoparticles and liposomes. The peptide sequence, GRKKRRQGGGPPQ, includes arginine (R), lysine (K), glycine (G), and proline (P) residues, and is a variant of the Antennapedia homeodomain-derived peptide (Penetratin), which has cell-penetrating properties. This peptide sequence allows for enhanced cellular uptake of the coated particles by interacting with cell surface receptors and facilitating their internalization. price>
R-C-5373 DSPE-PEG2000-H2N-GALFLGFLGAAGSTMGAC-NH2 DSPE-PEG2000-H2N-GALFLGFLGAAGSTMGAC-NH2 is a phospholipid-PEG conjugate that is used as a coating or surfactant for nanoparticles and liposomes.The peptide sequence attached to the DSPE-PEG2000 is a thrombin-sensitive peptide (TSP-1) that includes the amino acid residues GALFLGFLGAAGSTMGAC. This peptide can be cleaved by thrombin, an enzyme that is produced during clotting,releasing the liposome contents in a targeted manner. price>
R-C-5387 DSPE-PEG2K-GEBP11 (CTKNSYLMC) GEBP11 (CTKNSYLMC) refers to a peptide sequence that specifically targets tumor vasculature. GEBP11 is a peptide sequence derived from a protein called GRP78, which is overexpressed in cancer cells and their associated vasculature.The GEBP11 peptide is linked to DSPE-PEG2K to facilitate targeted drug delivery to tumor cells. The peptide can recognize overexpressed GRP78 in cancer cells and selectively bind to them, promoting accumulation of drug conjugates in the tumor vasculature and enhancing antitumor efficacy. price>
R-C-5390 WEAALAEALAEALAEHLAEALAEALEALAAC-PEG3400-DSPE This lipid is used to form liposomes, which are spherical vesicles that encapsulate drugs for delivery to specific sites in the body.The peptide sequence "WEAALAEALAEALAEHLAEALAEALEALAAC" is a tumor penetrating peptide (TPP) that can selectively recognize cancer cells and their surrounding matrix. The TPP can facilitate the accumulation of the liposomes in the tumor microenvironment, enhancing the delivery of drugs and improving the therapeutic efficacy. price>
R-C-5396 DSPE-PEG2000-GE11-FITC DSPE-PEG2000 is a polymer consisting of a hydrophilic polyethylene glycol(PEG)chain and a hydrophobic phospholipid component.GE11 is a peptide that specifically binds to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is overexpressed in many cancer cells.Fluorescein isothiocyanate,is a fluorescent dye that can be conjugated to molecules for use in imaging studies. The addition of FITC to DSPE-PEG2000-GE11 allows for imaging of the nanoparticles after administration. price>
R-C-5397 DSPE-PEG2K-MPfRwFKPV DSPE-PEG2K is a biocompatible and amphiphilic polymer that has low toxicity and excellent biocompatibility. The PEG component provides water solubility and biocompatibility to the molecule, while the phospholipid component provides structural support and allows the formation of lipid-based nanoparticles. MPfRwFKPV is a peptide that binds to neuropilin-1 receptor (NRP-1), which is overexpressed in certain cancer cells, specifically in glioma, breast, and prostate cancer. Addition of this peptide to DSPE-PEG2K allows for targeted drug delivery or imaging agents to these cancer cells. price>