Catalog name Description price
R-C-5554 DSPE-polysarcosine66 DSPE-polysarcosine66 is a phospholipid polyPEG which can self-assemble to form lipid bilayer in aqueous solution. Polysarcosine is poly (n-methylated glycine) that is is a non-ionic hydrophilic polypeptoid with numerous biologically relevant properties. The polymer can be used to prepare liposome as a drug delivery vehicle for administration of drugs or nutrients, such as mRNA vaccines. price>
R-C-5455 DSPE-PEG2000-hemin The DSPE-PEG2000 portion provides stability, prolonged circulation, and biocompatibility to the lipid-based delivery system. The attachment of hemin moieties enables targeted therapy, utilizing the unique properties of hemin for cancer treatment.This conjugate holds promise for targeted drug delivery and therapy, utilizing the properties of hemin to enhance treatment efficacy in conditions such as cancer.This product is only suitable for scientific research and is not intended for human body research. price>
R-C-5555 16:0 PE MCC 16:0 PE MCC is a maleimide-functionalized thiol-reactive lipid with a phosphoethanolamine linked to two palmitic acid tails and a maleimide group. price>
R-C-5456 DSPE-PEG-YIGSR DSPE-PEG-YIGSR creates a conjugate that possesses both cell-targeting and biomaterial properties. The DSPE and PEG portions provide stability, biocompatibility, and prolonged circulation to the liposomal delivery system. The attachment of the YIGSR peptide sequence enables specific cell targeting and interaction with integrin receptors, promoting cell adhesion and tissue regeneration. price>
R-C-5556 18:1 PE MCC 18:1 PE MCC is a maleimide-functionalized thiol-reactive lipid with a phosphoethanolamine linked to two oleic acid and a maleimide group. price>
R-C-5557 16:0 MPB PE The MPB-PE component refers to the specific type of phosphoethanolamine (PE) headgroup present in the molecule. The MPB modification stands for the insertion of an N-myristoyl group (myristoyl refers to a 14-carbon saturated fatty acid) and a C-palmitoyl group (palmitoyl refers to a 16-carbon saturated fatty acid) within the ethanolamine moiety of the phospholipid. price>
R-C-5558 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphoethanolamine conjugated with N-polysarcosine-25 (DSPE-Psarc) DSPE is a phospholipid with two stearic acid (18 carbon saturated fatty acid) acyl chains and a phosphoethanolamine headgroup.It is often used in the formation of lipid bilayers, liposomes,or lipid-based nanoparticles.N-polysarcosine-25 is a synthetic polymer composed of repeated units of sarcosine,an amino acid derivative. price>
R-C-5559 18:1 MPB PE CAS:384835-49-8 The 18:1 in 18:1 MPB PE represents the fatty acid composition of the molecule. Specifically, it signifies that the molecule contains two fatty acid chains, one of which has 18 carbon atoms and one unsaturated bond. The 18:1 notation is commonly used to describe the length and saturation of the fatty acids in a phospholipid.The MPB-PE component refers to the specific type of phosphoethanolamine (PE) headgroup present in the molecule. price>
R-C-5560 16:0 Caproylamine PE CAS:115288-21-6 16:0 Caproylamine PE is a modified phospholipid that can be used in the formation of liposomes or lipid-based nanoparticles. The presence of the palmitic acid acyl chains can provide stability and structure to the lipid bilayer, while the caproylamine modification can introduce unique properties and functionalities. price>
R-C-5561 18:1 Caproylamine PE CAS:110796-31-1 18:1 Caproylamine PE can be used in various applications, such as in the formation of liposomes or other lipid-based drug delivery systems. The positive charge of the molecule can help in encapsulating negatively charged drugs or nucleic acids, such as siRNA or DNA, and facilitate their delivery into cells. price>