Catalog name Description price
R-C-896 cRGD-PAE1K-SS-PEG2K-b-PCL4K Arg Gly ASP is composed of arginine,glycine and aspartic acid.RGD cell binding sequences have been identified in other extracellular matrix proteins,including fibronectin and laminin.A family of membrane proteins called integrins act as receptors for these cell adhesion molecules through RGD motifs. price>
R-C-902 Black phosphorus Nanocomposite Black phosphorus(BP)is a kind of crystal with structure similar to graphene.It is an allotrope of phosphorus and can exist in nature stably.As a new type of two-dimensional nano material,black phosphorus nano sheet has attracted extensive attention in the field of biomedicine,such as disease treatment,drug carrier,clinical detection,due to its large specific surface area,good biocompatibility,excellent photothermal properties and so on. price>
R-C-906 Polyphyllin I-cy3 Cy3 dye is a bright orange fluorescent dye,which can use 532 nm laser spectral line and display through TRITC(tetramethyl rhodamine)filter.In addition to immunocytochemical applications,Cy3 dye is usually used to label nucleic acids. Paris polyphylla saponin I is characterized by high sensitivity,strong specificity and good repeatability.Due to its stable reagent,easy preservation, simple operation and objective result judgment,it has been widely used in various fields of immunology. price>
R-C-914 PPS50-PEG44-Rosmarinic acid Pps-peg poly(propylene sulfide)-polyethylene glycol copolymerization can form self-assembled amphiphilic substances.Keto mercaptan has also been successfully used in gene delivery.Amphiphilic block copolymers based on hydrophobic polysulfide(PPS)and hydrophilic polyether(PEG)have been used for solubilization and dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs).Rosmarinic acid(Rosa) is a kind of water-soluble natural phenolic acid isolated from rosemary,which is a natural antioxidant with strong antioxidant activity.Its antioxidant activity is stronger than vitamin E,caffeic acid,chlorogenic acid,folic acid and so on.It helps to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals,thus reducing cancer and animal mortality Risk of pulse hardening. price>
R-C-918 PLA10K-PBA Conductive polymer composites(CPC)with different CB and PBA contents were prepared by using polylactic acid(PLA)as plasticizer and carbon black(CB)as conductive filler.FTIR analysis showed that there was interaction between PLA / PBA matrix and carbon black filler,and PBA could improve the interaction.The results of rheological properties show that carbon black can significantly improve the apparent viscosity and reduce the fluidity of the composites, while polyanilic acid has the opposite effect. price>
R-C-940 PAMAM-COOH (G4) Dendrimer with positive charge surface(g4-pamam-nh2)and dendrimer with neutral surface(g4-pamam-oh)can inhibit the activity of pepsin.At the same time,it was found that these dendrimers were used as part of the mixed noncompetitive pepsin inhibitors.There was no correlation between pepsin activity and protein CD profile. price>
R-C-941 mPEG5K-b-PDPA17K Block copolymer micelles are usually formed by self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers in aqueous media.Hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks form shell and core micelles,respectively.Methoxypolyethylene glycol(MPEG)-b-Poly(2-diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate(PDPA)block copolymer was synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization of 2-bromoisobutyl bromide and MPEG in the presence of triethylamine catalyst.Atom transfer radical polymerization of diisopropylethyl methacrylate (diisopropylethyl ethyl methacrylate) was carried out in DMF at 70℃ with artificial neural network(ANN) and N,pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-copper bromide catalyst system.The pH induced micellization-decellularization was studied by fluorescence method and pyrene probe. price>
R-C-945 PLGA10K-PEG2K-Cys-Arg-Glu-Lys-Ala(CREKA) Cys-Arg-Glu-Lys-Ala(CREKA)sequence has been identified as a tumor homing peptide,which can effectively bind to coagulation plasma protein.The results have been compared with the reported separation of CREKA(peptide without dye). It is found that fluorescein affects the energy distribution of the minimum energy conformation,and the repulsive spatial interaction produced by the dye shifts the energy distribution of the minimum energy conformation to a higher energy value. price>
R-C-955 PEG114-PAEMA70 The PHE responsive anionic polymer is a block copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG)and poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate)(paema) modified by 2,3-dimethylmaleic anhydride(PPD).The coating polymer was mixed with a small amount of PEG paema (denoted as PPS)modified with succinic anhydride to obtain a balanced negative charge and PEG shielding surface with Phe response characteristics,so as to achieve the expected tumor triggering and enhanced gene delivery. price>
R-C-965 Polyamindoamine G5-polyethylene glycol-Vancomycin Polyamide amine dendrimer(PAMAM)is a kind of highly branched and symmetrical nano scale polymer compound.The cavity inside the molecule can be used to encapsulate drug molecules,and the terminal group can be modified to connect ligands,antibodies and other bioactive substances.The high density positive charge of the molecule can compress DNA.The molecular weight of 2K and 5K MPEG SC was used to bind G5 PAMAM was modified with two kinds of amino groups.The number of PEG with low degree of substitution was 13,and that with high degree of substitution was 51,which was 10% and 40% of the amino groups on the surface of g5pamam,respectively.Vancomycin(Van)is a kind of glycopeptide antibiotics. Its binding ability with target bacteria is equal to that of antigen antibody. It has the advantages of good stability,easy preparation and preservation. price>