Catalog name Description price
R-XASYS-00296 Oenin,cas:7228-78-6 Oenin(C23H25O12•Cl,528.9) is a natural anthocyanin found in plants. It is the 3-glucoside of malvidin, an O-methylated anthocyanidin. Oenin has neuroprotective effects, reducing amyloid β-induced cytotoxicity and diminishing reactive oxygen species. price>
R-XASYS-00297 A23187,cas:52665-69-7 A23187 is a calcium ionophore and a microbial metabolite that has been found in S. chartreusensis.It induces calcium overload and mitochondrial apoptosis in HEK293 cells when used at a concentration of 5 µM. price>
R-XASYS-00298 Decylubiquinone,cas:55486-00-5 Decylubiquinone(C19H30O4,322.4) is an analog of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10). It blocks reactive oxygen species production in response to glutathione depletion and inhibits activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition. price>
R-XASYS-00299 Petunidin 3-O-glucoside,cas:6988-81-4 Petunidin 3-O-glucoside(C22H23O12•Cl,514.9) is an anthocyanin that has been found in red grapes and red wines with antiproliferative properties. price>
R-XASYS-00300 Se-Aspirin,cas:1850293-95-6 Se-Aspirin(C12H12N2O3Se,311.2) is a hybrid of selenium and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has been shown to reduce the viability of different cancer cell lines, particularly colorectal cancer (CRC) cells (IC50 = 3.4 µM). price>
R-XASYS-00301 GLX-351322,cas:835598-94-2 GLX-351322(C21H25N3O5S,431.5) is an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4; IC50 = 5 µM).It is selective for NOX4 over NOX2 (IC50 = 40 µM). GLX-351322 (10 µM) reduces glucose-induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cytotoxicity in isolated human pancreatic islets. price>
R-XASYS-00302 Talaporfin (sodium salt),cas:220201-34-3 Talaporfin(C38H37N5O9•4Na,799.7) is a photosensitizer.It induces apoptosis, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in TE-11R 5-fluorouracil-resistant esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) cells when used at a concentration of 30 µg/ml in combination with radiation. price>
R-XASYS-00303 CAY10730,cas:2206677-06-5 CAY10730 is a turn-on fluorescent probe for the detection of nitroreductase activity, a marker of hypoxia.In the presence of nitroreductase, CAY10730 is transformed into a highly fluorescent molecule that displays excitation/emission maxima of 454/520 nm, respectively. price>
R-XASYS-00304 Fuziline,cas:80665-72-1 Fuziline is a diterpene alkaloid that has been found in A. lateralis and has cardioprotective activity.It reduces sodium pentobarbital-induced cell death in primary neonatal rat cardiomyocytes when used at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 µM. price>
R-XASYS-00305 Necrox-5 (methanesulfonate),cas:1383718-29-3 Necrox-5(C25H31N3O3S•2CH4O3S,1383718-29-3) is a cell permeable inhibitor of necrosis that also demonstrates strong mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and ONOO- scavenging activity.It predominantly localizes in mitochondria, selectively blocking oxidative stress-induced necrotic cell death (0.1 μM necrox-5 inhibits ~50% cell death in H9C2 cells exposed to 400 μM t-BHP) price>