Catalog name Description price
R-C-5809 DPPS-Para phenylborate ester 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine, sodium salt (DPPS) is a form of phosphatidylserine (PS), a negatively charged phospholipid located in the inner leaflet of the cell membrane. price>
R-C-5816 PC/PE/Ergosterol 5:3:2 Customized liposome PC/PE/Ergosterol is a combination of liposomes tailored to specific needs, consisting of phosphatidylcholine(PC),phosphatidylethanolamine(PE),and ergosterol.Liposomes are small lipid droplets composed of phospholipids that can form stable micelle structures in water.They are widely used in drug delivery and biomedical fields because they can provide drug protection and targeted delivery characteristics. price>
R-C-5860 DSPE-SS-OPSS DSPE-SS-OPSS is a lipid derivative used in the field of bioconjugation and drug delivery.The disulfide bond is formed between two sulfur atoms, allowing for controlled release or bioconjugation reactions in reducing environments such as inside cells.OPy-OPSS stands for Orthopyridyl Disulfide. This functional group contains a pyridine ring, which offers an additional site for bioconjugation reactions. price>
R-C-5861 DOPE-Linker-Ga The Linker portion of DOPE-Linker-Ga indicates the presence of a linker molecule that connects to the lipid backbone.The specific nature of the linker can vary depending on the intended application,and it is often designed to enable the attachment of various molecules,such as targeting ligands or imaging agents.Gallium is often employed as a radiotracer in imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography(PET). price>
R-C-5862 DSPE-PEG-Fe3O4 DSPE is a phospholipid that consists of two stearoyl chains and a phosphoryl ethanolamine headgroup. PEG is a biocompatible polymer commonly used in drug delivery systems to improve stability and reduce immune responses.Fe3O4 refers to iron(II,III) oxide,commonly known as magnetite,which exhibits magnetic properties.When DSPE,PEG,and Fe3O4 are combined,they form a lipid-PEG-iron oxide hybrid nanoparticle. This nanoparticle can be used for various applications,including targeted drug delivery, imaging, and magnetic hyperthermia therapy. price>
R-C-5866 DOPE-TCO DOPE is 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine and is a synthetic phospholipid.DOPE has two fatty acid chains(oleic acid in this case) that are attached to a glycerol backbone,and it also contains a hydrophilic ethanolamine headgroup.TCO stands for tetrazine-trans-cyclooctene and refers to a specific bioorthogonal click chemistry reaction pair.TCO is a small organic molecule that contains a strained cyclooctene ring with a tetrazine group attached. price>
R-C-5868 DSPE-PEG-Hyd-DBCO DBCO is a small organic molecule that reacts specifically and rapidly with azide groups in a reaction called the strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition(SPAAC).This reaction is bioorthogonal, meaning it can occur in biological systems without interfering with normal biological processes.DBCO is a small organic molecule that reacts specifically and rapidly with azide groups in a reaction called the strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition(SPAAC). price>
R-C-5894 N3-DOPE DOPE-N3,DOPE-azide,1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-Azide,DOPE-azide contains an azide group (-N3) attached to the hydroxyl group of the ethanolamine head group in DOPE. The azide group allows for the attachment of various biomolecules or functional moieties through copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition,also known as click chemistry.This click reaction enables the conjugation of azide-modified lipids with other molecules of interest,such as proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, or imaging agents. price>
R-C-5907 DOPE-PEG-peptide-ICG/CY5.5 DOPE is a lipid molecule that is commonly used in the formulation of lipid-based nanocarriers.It provides stability and biocompatibility to the nanoparticle structure.PEGylation can enhance nanoparticle stability, increase blood circulation time,and reduce immune recognition.Peptide molecules can be attached to the nanoparticle surface to enable specific targeting or cellular uptake.These dyes emit light in the near-infrared region, which can penetrate tissues more deeply and provide higher resolution imaging compared to visible light. price>
R-C-5913 DSPE-SS-PEG2000-HA10-20K DSPE-SS-PEG-HA,DSPE is a phospholipid that can form liposomes or liposomal nanoparticles,providing a stable and biocompatible platform for drug encapsulation and delivery.SS stands for a disulfide bond.In DSPE-SS-PEG-HA,the inclusion of the disulfide bond allows for the release of the encapsulated drug in the presence of glutathione,a reducing agent that is found in high concentrations within cells.hyaluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide found in the extracellular matrix of tissues. price>