Catalog name Description price
R-C-5700 DSPE-Galactose-FITC DSPE-Galactose-FITC is commonly used as a probe or label in biological and biomedical research. The galactose moiety allows for specific binding to galactose receptors or lectins on cell surfaces, making it useful for targeting specific cell types.fluorescent dye provides a means to visualize and track the labeled molecules or cells.This conjugate can be incorporated into liposomal formulations or used directly as a probe in various applications, including cell imaging, receptor targeting studies, or drug delivery systems. price>
R-C-5711 DOPE-biotin DOPE is a phospholipid that belongs to the class of glycerophospholipids.It is commonly used in liposome formulations and lipid-based drug delivery systems due to its biocompatibility and ability to form stable lipid bilayers.Biotin has a high affinity for avidin and streptavidin,allowing for specific interactions and binding.This property is often exploited in many biotechnological applications for the conjugation, detection,or immobilization of biomolecules. price>
R-C-5712 DOPE-LPS DOPE-Lipopolysaccharide(LPS),DOPE is a phospholipid that is commonly used in liposome formulations and lipid-based drug delivery systems. It is characterized by its biocompatibility and ability to form stable lipid bilayers.LPS is an endotoxin produced by Gram-negative bacteria. It is a component of the outer membrane of these bacteria and contributes to their structural integrity. price>
R-C-5743 DOPE-(FITC)CPVLDLFRELLNELLEALKQKLK DOPE-(FITC)CPVLDLFRELLNELLEALKQKLK is a peptide-lipid conjugate molecule used in drug delivery and imaging applications.DOPE stands for 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, which is a lipid component that can self-assemble into liposomes or lipid nanoparticles.FITC refers to fluorescein isothiocyanate,a widely used fluorescent dye that is covalently attached to the DOPE molecule. price>
R-C-5744 (N terminal)Ac-Pro-Leu-Gly-Leu-Ala-Gly-Lys-DOPE(C terminal) (C-terminal)DOPE-Ac-Pro-Leu-Gly-Leu-Ala-Gly-Lys(N-terminal),(N terminal)Ac-Pro-Leu-Gly-Leu-Ala-Gly-Lys-DOPE(C terminal)is a peptide-lipid conjugate molecule used in drug delivery and imaging applications.At the C-terminal end of the sequence, there is the DOPE component,which is a lipid that can self-assemble into liposomes or lipid nanoparticles. DOPE provides the conjugate with the ability to form lipid-based delivery systems, which are commonly used in drug delivery applications. price>
R-C-5754 DPPE-PEG400-DBCO DPPE-PEG400-Dibenzocyclooctyne,DPPE is a phospholipid that is commonly used in liposome formulations or as a lipid anchor for attaching molecules to liposomes.DBCO is a chemical functional group known as a strained alkyne.DBCO (dibenzocyclooctyne) is a type of cyclic acetylene that can react with azides through strain promoted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions in aqueous solution. This biological orthogonal Q reaction is also known as a copper free click reaction. price>
R-C-5757 DSPE-PMPC distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine-PMPC,PMPCylated PC liposomes represent a class of liposomes that form a boundary layer that lubricates much more efficiently than PEGylated liposomes(where PEGylation is most commonly used for liposomic drug delivery),while providing excellent anti-aggregation stability.DSPE-PMPC modified liposomes studied are negatively charged and do not adsorb on negatively charged surfaces from water with no added salt. In contrast, DSG-PMPC-modified liposomes are almost neutral. price>
R-C-5758 DSPE-PLGLAG(TIMP)-PMPC PMPC is a hydrophilic polymer known for its excellent biocompatibility and resistance to protein adsorption.When incorporated into a drug delivery system,PMPC can enhance stealth properties, reducing recognition and clearance by the immune system and improving circulation time.DSPE-PLGLAG(TIMP)-PMPC conjugate can be utilized to create liposomes or other lipid-based drug delivery systems with specific functionalities.The PLGLAG(TIMP)peptide sequence provides a target-specific or cell-specific binding site, while PMPC enhances stability and biocompatibility. price>
R-C-5794 DSPE-P1-PEG2K DSPE is a surfactant-like lipid that can self-assemble into liposomes or lipid nanoparticles, providing structural stability and drug encapsulation capabilities.The P1 PEGylation pattern refers to the arrangement of PEG molecules along the DSPE backbone.PEGylation can increase circulation time by reducing protein adsorption and recognition by the immune system,leading to improved drug stability and reduced clearance rates. price>
R-C-5805 DMPE-CY3 DMPE is a type of phospholipid that contains two myristoyl fatty acid chains. It is commonly used in liposome formulations due to its ability to self-assemble into liposomal structures.DMPE provides stability and structural integrity to liposomes and can also be incorporated into cell membranes.CY3 is a cyanine dye that emits in the red range of the visible spectrum(around 570-590 nm)when excited with an appropriate wavelength. price>