Catalog name Description price
R-C-3228 Fanapanel(ZK200775) CAS:161605-73-8 Fanapanel(ZK200775)is a highly selective AMPA/kainate antagonist with little activity against NMDA;have Ki values of 3.2nM,100nM,and 8.5μM against quisqualate,kainate, and NMDA,respectively.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3229 Mibampator CAS:375345-95-2 Mibampator (LY451395) is a potent and highly selective potentiator of the AMPA receptors.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3230 CMPDA CAS:380607-77-2 CMPDA is a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors with EC50s of 45.4 ± 4.2 nM/63.4 ± 5.6 nM for GluA2i/GluA2o receptor.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3231 Naspm CAS:122306-11-0 Naspm (1-Naphthyl acetyl spermine), a synthetic analogue of Joro spider toxin, is a calcium permeable AMPA (CP-AMPA) receptors antagonist.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3232 LY404187 CAS:211311-95-4 LY404187 is a selective, potent and centrally active positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors. price>
R-C-3234 Farampator CAS:211735-76-1 Farampator has been investigated for its effect on AMPA receptors and researched for potential use in the treatment of schizophrenia and Alzheimer is Disease. It was found to improve short-term memory, but impaired episodic memory. price>
R-C-3235 Becampanel (AMP397) CAS:188696-80-2 Becampanel(AMP397)is the first competitive AMPA antagonist and an antiepileptic agent.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3236 PSC-833 (Valspodar) CAS:121584-18-7 Valspodar (PSC 833) is a selective P-glycoprotein inhibitor that has been used as an experimental cancer treatment and chemosensitizer.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3237 Cynarin CAS:30964-13-7 Cynarin is a phenolic compound found in artichoke.It has antioxidant and choleretic properties.It is a potential immunosuppressive agent.Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>
R-C-3238 KS-176 CAS:1253452-78-6 KS-176 is a potent and selective inhibitor of the breast cancer resistance protein(BCRP) multidrug transporter(IC50 values are 0.59 and 1.39uM in Pheo A and Hoechst 33342 assays respectively).Our products are only suitable for scientific research experiments, not for clinical experiments and human body. price>