Catalog name Description price
R-M-2041 DOTA-PEG5-C6-DBCO DOTA-PEG5-C6-DBCO is a PEG linker containing DOTA and DBCO moieties. DBCO is used in Click Chemistry reactions due to its high strain energy. The DOTA group can be ionized and is susceptible for chelating di- and trivalent cations. DOTA can also be used for imaging diagnostic techniques. price>
R-M-5250 NOTA-PEG-Glucose NOTA-PEG-Glucose,1,4,7-Triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid-PEG-Glucose from ruixi.NOTA, is a triaza macrocyclic ligand that has shown to have potential to act as scintigraphic and PET (Positron Emission Tomog.) imaging agents. price>
R-M1-8790 NH2-NODA-GA NH2-NODA-GA refers to a compound that consists of the chelating agent NODA-GA (1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid, gadolinium complex) attached to an amino group (NH2). NODA-GA is a macrocyclic ligand that forms stable complexes with gadolinium ions, which are used as contrast agents in medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The amino group allows for further functionalization or conjugation of NH2-NODA-GA to other molecules for specific applications, such as targeted delivery systems or molecular imaging probes. NH2-NODA-GA can enhance the visibility and diagnostic accuracy of MRI by providing contrast and highlighting specific tissues or areas of interest. price>
R-M1by-9080 2,3-cGAMP-Biotin conjugate 2,3-cGAMP-Biotin conjugate refers to a molecular complex formed by linking the small molecule 2,3-cGAMP(cyclic guanosine monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate) to biotin,a vitamin-like compound often used in bioconjugation and affinity purification applications.2,3-cGAMP has greater affinity and binding ability than 3,3-cGAMP.CGAMP has also been proven to be an effective reagent for promoting the production of antigen-specific antibodies and T cell responses in mice. price>
R-M1c-9137 Dithiolated diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTDTPA) Dithiolated diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTDTPA) is a chemical compound used in chelation chemistry and bioconjugation. It contains two thiol (sulfhydryl) groups and is a derivative of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). The presence of two thiol groups makes DTDTPA useful for coordinating with metal ions, particularly those in the 4+ oxidation state. This compound is often used in chelation reactions to form stable complexes with metal ions, which can have applications in areas such as radiopharmaceuticals, contrast agents for imaging, or metal-based therapies. Due to the presence of thiol groups, DTDTPA can also be utilized in bioconjugation reactions, especially in the modification of biomolecules or surfaces where thiol chemistry is applicable. price>
R-M-5766 5-Nitro BAPTA,cas:124251-83-8 5-Nitro BAPTA is the cell-impermeant form of BAPTA, a metal chelator which has been used to buffer Ca2+ in cells. price>
R-M2g-9225 Cas2374782-14-4 Cas2374782-14-4 can be used for FAPI tumor imaging research. Virtual price, please inquire if needed. price>
R-M2g-9226 cas2768441-53-6 cas2768441-53-6 can be used for FAPI tumor imaging research. Virtual price, please inquire if needed. price>
R-M2g-9227 Cas23747782-02-0 Cas23747782-02-0 can be used for FAPI tumor imaging research. Virtual price, please inquire if needed. price>
R-M2g-9228 Cas2370952-98-8 Cas2370952-98-8 can be used for FAPI tumor imaging research. Virtual price, please inquire if needed. price>