Catalog name Description price
R-FS-0100 Avidin-Cy3 Avidin-TRITC is a red fluorescence conjugate with avidin price>
R-FS-010 Avidin-CY5 Avidin-CY5 is a near infrared fluorescent conjugate with avidin price>
R-FS-011 Avidin-CY5.5 Avidin-CY5.5 is a near infrared fluorescent conjugate with avidin, it has excitation emission at 680/700 nm price>
R-L-145 Recombinant Strep-Tactin with Cysteine Streptavidin is a streptavidin mutant, which can bind specifically to streptavidin. The Strep II tag is a small 8 amino acid tag (wshpqfek). Since the tag is small, it is only about 1 kDa, which generally does not affect the structure and function of the fusion protein. It is commonly used in the detection and purification of fusion protein. Compared to streptactin, streptactin has a 10 times stronger affinity for streptavidin. It can bind and dissociate with streptavidin under mild conditions and can play a good role in separation and purification. In order to be able to bind to the medium, a cysteine ​​has been added to the C-terminus of the amino acid sequence, which can be covalently linked to the medium through a sulfhydryl group. price>
R-L-146 Recombinant Strep-Tactin Streptavidin is a streptavidin mutant, which can bind specifically to streptavidin. The Strep II tag is a small tag of 8 amino acids (wshpqfek). Since the tag is small, it is only about 1 kDa in size, which generally does not affect the structure and function of the fusion protein. It is commonly used in the detection and purification of fusion protein. Compared to streptactin, streptactin has a 10 times stronger affinity for streptavidin. It can bind and dissociate with streptavidin under mild conditions and can play a good role in separation and purification. The amino acid sequence of this product does not contain cysteine ​​and can be covalently linked in the middle through amino, carboxyl and other groups in the protein molecule. price>
R-M-5977 ICG-Streptavidin ICG-Streptavidin,Indocyanine Green-Streptavidin from ruixi.ICG streptavidin is a fluorescent product, which can be used in labeling molecules, in vivo imaging and other fields. price>
R-M-5979 Streptavidin azide Streptavidin azide is an azide reactive streptavidin conjugate that can be used to for copper free Click chemistry reaction. price>