Catalog name Description price
R-FS-001 Streptavidin Ruixibio provides a Streptavidin, Protein concentration 95% protein (~5% Nacl), Activity 15 U/mg protein, Molecular Weight ~60 kDa (tetramer) price>
R-FS-007 Streptavidin-thiol Streptavidin-thiol is a Streptavidin with Thiol group on the surface price>
R-FS-004 Streptavidin-CY3 Streptavidin-CY3 is a bright red fluorescence conjugate with Streptavidin, Cy3 has excitation emission at 550/570 nm price>
R-FS-005 Streptavidin-TRITC Streptavidin-TRITC is a fluorescent Streptavidin conjugate with bright red fluorescence price>
R-FS-006 Streptavidin-FITC Streptavidin-FITC is a fluorescent streptavidin conjuate that has strong green fluorescent price>
R-FS-002 Streptavidin-CY5 Streptavidin-CY5 is a blue fluorescence conjugate with Streptavidin, Cy5 has excitation emission at 650/670 nm price>
R-FS-003 Streptavidin-CY5.5 Streptavidin-CY5.5 is a near infrared fluorescent conjugate with Streptavidin, it has excitation emission at 670/690 nm price>
R-FS-008 Avidin Ruixibio provides a Avidin, it source from Hen egg white, the Purity of avidin is minimum 95% price>
R-FS-013 Avidin-thiol Avidin-thiol is a Avidin with Thiol group on the surface, it can conjugate with others which contain Maleimide groups price>
R-FS-014 Avidin-FITC Avidin-FITC is a fluorescent Avidin conjuate that has strong green fluorescent,the avidin source from Hen egg white, it has excitation emission at 495/520 nm price>