Catalog name Description price
R-C-5527 DSPE-Se-Se-PEG-ADA The presence of diselenide bonds in DSPE-Se-Se-PEG-ADA allows for its redox-responsive behavior. Under specific conditions,such as the presence of high levels of reducing agents,the diselenide bonds can be cleaved, leading to the release of the ADA enzyme from the liposomes.This property can be exploited to trigger the controlled release or activation of ADA in the targeted cells or tissues. price>
R-C-5529 18:1 PDP PE CAS:474944-13-3 DOPE-SPDP DOPE stands for 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine. It is a phospholipid commonly found in liposomes or lipid nanoparticles used for drug delivery. DOPE provides stability and fluidity to the lipid bilayer, facilitating the encapsulation and delivery of therapeutic agents.SPDP stands for N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate. It is a bifunctional cross-linking reagent used to link molecules together in bioconjugation reactions. price>
R-C-5531 DOPE-HA DOPE-HA is a conjugation system that combines DOPE with HA to create targeted drug delivery systems. By leveraging the properties of DOPE for lipid-based delivery and HA for specific receptor targeting,it offers potential benefits in cancer therapy and other applications where specific targeting and efficient drug delivery are desired. price>
R-C-5542 DPPE-PEG400-dibenzylcyclooctyne The hydrophobic properties of the DSPE allow for the encapsulation and congregation of other hydrophobic drugs. The hydrophilic PEG linker increases the water solubility of the overall compound allowing for the delivery of the drug. The DBCO group can be used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. price>
R-C-5551 DSPE-PEG45-NH-Mal DSPE-PEG45-NH-Mal is a compound used in the field of drug delivery and molecular conjugation. It combines a phospholipid derivative(DSPE),a hydrophilic polymer with an average molecular weight of 45 units(PEG45),an amino group(NH)for further modifications,and a maleimide group(Mal)for specific conjugation to thiol-containing molecules.This structure enables the conjugation of drugs,targeting ligands,or other molecules to DSPE-PEG45-NH-Mal for targeted drug delivery or other biomedical applications. price>
R-C-5553 Amino-Gly-Gly-DSPE Amino-Gly-Gly-DSPE is a lipid molecule that consists of a glycerol backbone linked to a long hydrophobic acyl chain and an amino acid dipeptide, glycine-glycine, attached to the glycerol through an amide bond.The long acyl chains of DSPE provide hydrophobic properties, making it suitable for the self-assembly of lipids into lipid bilayers. price>
R-C-5565 16:0 Glutaryl PE CAS:474923-45-0 16:0 Glutaryl PE is a modified phospholipid that can be utilized in various applications related to liposomes, lipid-based drug delivery systems,and biomaterials.The presence of the palmitic acid acyl chains provides stability and structure to the lipid bilayer,while the glutaryl modification can introduce unique properties and functionalities. price>
R-C-5566 18:1 Dodecanyl PE CAS:474923-47-2 18:1 Dodecanyl PE is a modified phospholipid that can be used in various applications related to liposomes, lipid-based drug delivery systems, and biomaterials.The presence of the oleic acid acyl chain provides stability and structure to the lipid bilayer, while the dodecyl modification can introduce unique properties and functionalities. price>
R-C-5567 16:0 Biotinyl Cap PE CAS:384835-52-3 16:0 Biotinyl Cap PE is a modified phospholipid that can be used in various biotechnological and biomedical applications,including protein detection and purification,as well as in targeted drug delivery systems.The presence of the palmitic acid acyl chains provides stability and structure to the lipid bilayer, while the biotin modification can facilitate specific protein binding or allow for targeted delivery to cells expressing biotin-binding proteins. price>
R-C-5568 18:1 Biotinyl Cap PE CAS:384835-51-2 18:1 Biotinyl Cap PE is a modified phospholipid that is commonly used in biotechnology applications. The presence of the oleic acid acyl chain provides stability and structure to the lipid bilayer, while the biotinyl caproyl modification enables specific binding to biotin-binding proteins. price>