Catalog name Description price
R-C-4631 DSPE-PEG4-DBCO DSPE-PEG4-DBCO is a PEG linker containing DSPE and DBCO moieties. The DSPE-PEGs have been FDA approved for medical applications. The hydrophobic properties of the DSPE allow for the encapsulation and congregation of other hydrophobic drugs. The hydrophilic PEG linker increases the water solubility of the overall compound allowing for the delivery of the drug. The DBCO group can be used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research use only. price>
R-C-4632 DSPE-PEG8-Mal The hydrophobic properties of the DSPE allow for the encapsulation and congregation of other hydrophobic drugs. The hydrophilic PEG linker increases the water solubility of the overall compound allowing for the delivery of the drug. Maleimide groups can react with thiols between pH 6.5 to 7.5. price>
R-C-4633 DSPE-PEG12-Mal DSPE-PEG12-Mal is a PEG linker containing DSPE and maleimide moieties. The hydrophobic properties of the DSPE allow for the encapsulation and congregation of other hydrophobic drugs. The maleimide group will react with a thiol group to form a covalent bond, enabling the connection of biomolecule with a thiol. The hydrophilic PEG linker increases the water solubility of the overall compound allowing for the delivery of the drug. price>
R-C-4634 DSPE-PEG-Iodoacetyl DSPE-PEG-Iodoacetyl , MW 2,000 is a thiol reactive phospholipid polyPEG. The iodoacetyll group is reactive with thiol to produce a thioether linkage. The polymer can self-assemble in water to form lipid bilayer and can be used to encapsulate drugs in targeted delivery application, such as liposomal doxorubicin as an anti cancer drug or mRNA vaccine. price>
R-C-4638 DSPE-PEG5-azide DSPE-PEG5-azide is a heterobifunctional PEG linker.The DSPE-PEGs have been FDA approved for medical applications. The hydrophobic properties of the DSPE allow for the encapsulation and congregation of other hydrophobic drugs.The hydrophilic PEG linker increases the water solubility of the overall compound allowing for the delivery of the drug.The azide group can undergo copper-catalyzed Click Chemistry reactions with alkynes, DBCO and BCN. price>
R-C-4641 Lysophosphatidylcholine(LPC18:1)-FAM Lysophosphatidylcholine is the intermediate product of lecithin metabolism in the body. If the concentration is increased, it can dissolve the erythrocyte membrane. Under the catalysis of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, lecithin in plasma can be changed into hemolytic lecithin. In order to make lysophosphatidylcholine controllable, it is necessary to maintain the balance and normal operation of lecithin in the body. price>
R-C-4681 DOPE-PEG12-(KIAALKE)4-CONH2 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility and is the excellent liposome formation material that can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.Moreover,these material can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands such as antibodies,peptides. price>
R-C-4682 DOPE-PEG12-(EIAALEK)4-CONH2 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility and is the excellent liposome formation material that can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.Moreover,these material can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands such as antibodies,peptides. price>
R-C-4684 DOPE-PEG12-(KIAALKE)3-CONH2 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility and is the excellent liposome formation material that can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.Moreover,these material can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands such as antibodies,peptides. price>
R-C-4685 DOPE-PEG12-(EIAALEK)3-CONH2 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol has both hydrophilicity and hydrophobility and is the excellent liposome formation material that can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery as well.Moreover,these material can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying their surfaces with targeting ligands such as antibodies,peptides. price>