Catalog name Description price
R-0071 DSPE-PEI25K(linear) DSPE-PEI25K(linear)it is a cationic phospholipid polymer. It can be used to prepare positively charged liposomes price>
R-R-0106 DSPE-PEG-DTPA-Gd 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethylene glycol) -Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (sodium salt)-gadolinium/DSPE-PEG-DTPA-Gd.The combination of DSPE, PEG, and DTPA-Gd in DSPE-PEG-DTPA-Gd nanoparticles or micelles can be used for various applications in imaging and targeted drug delivery. The PEGylation of the nanoparticle surface helps to improve its stability and circulation time in the body, while the DTPA-Gd component allows for enhanced MRI contrast. This formulation can be used for imaging purposes, such as in tumor imaging or tracking the biodistribution of the nanoparticles. Additionally, it can be utilized as a drug delivery system, where drugs or therapeutic agents can be encapsulated within the nanoparticles and released at specific target sites in a controlled manner. price>
R-R-0151 DSPG-PEG-DBCO DSPG-PEG-DBCO/DSPG-Polyethylene glycol-DBCO refers to a compound that is a conjugate of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[methoxy(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-dibenzocyclooctyne (DSPG-PEG) with a dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO) group.DSPG-PEG-DBCO is commonly used in bioconjugation strategies, where the DBCO group can react with molecules or surfaces containing azide groups, forming a stable covalent linkage. This compound can be utilized for drug delivery systems, surface modifications, and biomaterials, allowing for the attachment of various molecules or nanoparticles to the PEG backbone, enhancing solubility, stability, and bioavailability of the linked compounds. price>
R-R-0152 MTX-PEG2K-N3 MTX-PEG2K-N3/Methotrexate-polyethylene glycol2000-azide refers to a compound that is a conjugate of methotrexate (MTX) with a polyethylene glycol (PEG) chain of molecular weight 2000, and an azide group (N3).MTX-PEG2K-N3 can be used in bioconjugation strategies to attach MTX to other molecules or surfaces containing alkyne groups. This conjugate allows for targeted drug delivery, improved pharmacokinetics, and enhanced therapeutic efficacy. price>
R-A-9990 DSPE-PEG-C3(CASKKPKRNIKA) 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(polyethylene glycol)-C3(CASKKPKRNIKA),DSPE-PEG-C3(CASKKPKRNIKA) from ruixi.Dspe-peg-c3(caskkpkkrnika) is a polypeptide product.The sequence number of the polypeptide is:CASKKPKRNIKA. price>
R-D-001 DOPE-MAL DOPE-MAL,1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-Maleimide from ruixi.Ruixi is a biotechnology company. Dope-mal is a liposome linked maleimide. Maleimide can be used in organic synthesis and rhodium catalyzed arylation of arylboronic acids. 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycoro-3-phosphoethanolamine, also known as cationic liposome assisted phospholipid, is insoluble in water and soluble in chloroform, methanol and ethanol. price>
R-0104-3.4K DOPE-PEG3400-FITC DOPE-PEG-FITC MW:3400 ,1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-polyethylene glycol- fluorescein from ruixi.Ruixi is a biotechnology company. Dope-peg-fitc is a linear heterobifunctional peg reagent with green fluorescein and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine. price>
RZ-144 (HA)Hyaluronate-SS-DSPE (HA)Hyaluronate-SS-DSPE,Hyaluronate-S-S-1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine from ruixi.Ruixibio provides (HA) hyaluronate SS DSPE. Hyaluronate is a kind of natural glycosaminoglycan with good targeting property. Disulfide bond has the Glutathione (GSH) reduction response.Ruixi biotech provides high-quality products, which are customized by Ruixi. price>
RZ-148 Hyaluronate-SS-DOPE Hyaluronate-SS-DOPE,Hyaluronate-S-S-1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine from ruixi.Ruixi is a well-known biotechnology company.Hyaluronate-S-S-1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine is a compound lipid linked by disulfide bond of hyaluronic acid. We provide a variety of high quality products such as hyaluronic acid disulfide polylactic acid and hyaluronic acid disulfide phospholipid. price>
RZ-158 Chitosan-SS-DSPE Chitosan-SS-DSPE,Chitosan-S-S-1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine from ruixi.Chitosan-SS-DSPE is a kind of chitosan phospholipid linked by disulfide bond.Chitosan is also known as deacetylated chitin,which has film-forming,biodegradability, cell affinity and biological effects.Ruixi can also provide a variety of disulfide linked sugars,PEG,fluorescent labeling,polymers and so on. price>