Catalog name Description price
R-PL1114 PCL-PEG-Folate PCL-PEG-Folate,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-Folic acid is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer with Folic acid group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL1115 PCL-PEG-Cholesterol Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-Cholesterol price>
R-PL1116 PCL-PEG-OPSS PCL-PEG-OPSS,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-orthopyridyl disulfide is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer price>
R-PL1117 PCL-PEG-Alkyne PCL-PEG-Alkyne,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-Alkyne is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer with Alkyne group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL8544 PCL-PEG-CHO PCL-PEG-CHO,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-CHO is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer with CHO group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL1120 PCL-PEG-FITC PCL-PEG-FITC,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-fluorescein is a amphiphilic block copolymer with FITC group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL1121 PCL-PEG-Rhodamine B PCL-PEG-Rhodamine B,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-Rhodamine B is a amphiphilic block copolymer with Rhodamine B group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL1122 PCL-PEG-cRGD PCL-PEG-cRGD,Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Polyethylene glycol-cRGD is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer with cRGD group at the end of PEG price>
R-PL1124 mPEG-PCL-NHS mPEG-PCL-NHS,methyl-Polyethylene glycol-Poly(ε-caprolactone)-NHS is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer price>
R-PL1125 mPEG-PCL-MAL mPEG-PCL-MAL,methyl-Polyethylene glycol-Poly(ε-caprolactone)-Maleimide is a functional amphiphilic block copolymer price>