Catalog name Description price
R-M-7093 Sulfo-Cyanine3-PEG(mw750)-Biotin Sulfo-Cyanine3-Polyethylene glycol-Biotin, CY3-PEG-Biotin from RuixiBio is a linear heterobifunctional PEG reagent with a Cyanine3 dye and Biotin group It has a good water solubility. price>
R-M1-8012 CY7-PEG-MAL Cyanine7-Polyethylene glycol-Maleimide,CY7-PEG-MAL is a linear heterobifunctional near infrared fluorescent PEG reagent with a Cyanine7 dye and Maleimide group. price>
R-M1-8023 CY5-phlorizin CY5-phlorizin is a fluorescent dye.CY5 is a reactive dye, which is used to label amino groups of peptides, proteins and oligonucleotides, phlorizin etc.Cy5 wavelength belongs to monochromatic excitation fluorescence. At present, the commonly used excitation wavelength can be measured from 550nm to 700nm. price>
R-M1-8030 DMG-PEG-cy3 DMG-PEG-cy3,1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycerol-methoxypolyethylene glycol-Cyanine3 is a peg derivatives labeled with fluorescent dyes. price>
R-M1-8062 CY5-Hyaluronate360K CY5-Hyaluronate(Cyanine5-HA),Excitation 640nm, Emission 660nm. price>
R-M1-8075 CY3-a-aminoglutaric acid CY3-a-aminoglutaric acid,CY3-glutamic acid is a fluorescent labeling compound. price>
R-M1-8076 CY3-lactic acid CY3-lactic acid,CY3-2-Hydroxypropanoic acid from ruixi.CY3-lactic acid is a fluorescent labeling compound. price>
R-M1-8170 CY5.5-N- acetylcysteine CY5.5-N-acetylcysteine is a fluorescent labeled polypeptide compound.Acetylcysteine is mainly used as a mucolytic agent and has a strong mucolytic effect. The sulfhydryl group contained in its molecule can break the disulfide bond in the glycoprotein polypeptide chain in sputum, thereby reducing the viscosity of sputum, making it liquefied and easy to cough up, and also breaking DNA fibers in purulent sputum price>
R-M1-8171 CY5.5-antioxidant enzyme CY5.5-antioxidant enzyme is a fluorescent dye labeled peroxide that can be used for the study of oxidation reactions. Antioxidant enzymes have the effect of converting peroxides formed in the body into less toxic or harmless substances. price>
R-M1-8173 CY5-Hyaluronate MW:40K CY5-Hyaluronate(Cyanine5-HA) is a fluorescent dye.Excitation 640nm, Emission 660nm. price>