Catalog name Description price
R-02013 mPEG5K-b-PDPA40K methoxy polyethylene glycol-poly(2-diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate,mPEG5K-b-PDPA40K from ruixi.Block copolymer micelles are generally formed via the self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers in an aqueous medium.The hydrophilic and hydrophobic blocks form shell and core micelles,respectively. price>
R-02016 PDMA2K-b-PLGA5K N,N-Dimethylacrylamide-b-poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid),PDMA-b-PLGA from ruixi.Ruixi is a biotechnology company.Our company focuses on the production and sales of scientific research level drug delivery and drug nano targeting products. At present, our products mainly include synthetic phospholipids, PEG derivatives, block copolymers, nano gold, magnetic nanoparticles, mesoporous silica,reactive fluorescent dyes,fluorescent quantum dots,click chemistry and macrocyclic ligands. price>
R-PLE0021 PEI10k-SS-PEG2000-COOH Polyethylenimine-s-s-Polyethylene glycol-Carboxylic,PEI10000-SS-PEG2000-COOH from ruixi.Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a widely studied non viral vector for gene delivery. Its main advantage is good transfection effect in vitro.Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a widely studied non viral vector for gene delivery. Disulfide bond is an ideal biodegradable bond, which can be used to design gene delivery vector. price>
R-22309 PEI-ICG RuixiBio provides PEI-ICG with molecular weight ranged from 1,000 Da to 25KDa,Indocyanine Green isa near infrared fluorescent dye Ex/Em: 780nm-800nm price>
R-BC-0065 PEO-chitosan Polyethylene Oxide-chitosan,PEO-chitosan from ruixi.Chitosan-PAMPS is an amphiphilic copolymer.The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>
R-PL-0017 PEG-b-PBA polyethylene glycol-b-Phenylboric acid,PEG-b-PBA,PBA-b-PEG from ruixi PEG-b-PBA is an amphiphilic AB block copolymer .The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>
R-PL-0018 PBA-b-CD Phenylboric acid-b-cyclodextrin,PBA-b-CD,CD-b-PBA from ruixi PBA-β-CD is an amphiphilic AB block copolymer .The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>
R-BC-0054 PMAA-b-PBA poly(methacrylic acid)-b-Phenylboric acid,PMAA-b-PBA,PBA-b-PMAA from ruixi poly(methacrylic acid)-b-Phenylboric acid is an amphiphilic AB block copolymer .The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>
R-PL-0019 PSMA-b-PBA poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-b-Phenylboric acid,PSMA-b-PBA,PBA-b-PSMA from ruixi poly(styrene-alt-maleic anhydride)-b-Phenylboric acid is an amphiphilic AB block copolymer .The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>
R-PL-0020 PEO-b-PBA polyethylene oxiole-b-Phenylboric acid,PEO-b-PBA,PBA-b-PEO from ruixi polyethylene oxiole-b-Phenylboric acid is an amphiphilic AB block copolymer .The nanoscale structures created from block copolymers could potentially be used for creating devices for use in computer memory, nanoscale-templating and nanoscale separations.Polyglutamic acid is a polymer of the amino acid glutamic acid. price>