Catalog name Description price
R-M-1581 Anti-Inflammatory Peptide 1,CAS:118850-71-8 Anti-Inflammatory Peptide 1, belongs to the group of synthetic oligopeptides corresponding to a region of high amino-acid sequence similarity between uteroglobin and lipocortin I. price>
R-M-1584 Apolipoprotein B Synthetic Peptide Apolipoprotein B is a major protein constituent of chylomicrons (apo B-48), LDL (apo B-100) and VLDL (apo B-100). Apo B-100 functions as a recognition signal for the cellular binding and internalization of LDL particles by the apoB/E receptor. price>
R-M-1588 Big Gastrin 1, human,CAS :60675-77-6 Big gastrin (also known as G-34) is a peptide portion of gastrin containing 34 amino acids. It acts as a hormone produced by G cells of the stomach. G-34 has been shown to promote the secretion of gastric acid in certain species. Research has shown that extracts of antral mucosa contained large amounts of a peptide similar to the amino-terminal fragment of G34. price>
R-M-1593 Chorionic Gonadotropin-beta (109-119) amide (human),CAS:165174-59-4 This highly immunogenic undecapeptide generates hCGspecific antibodies price>
R-M-1595 Dasiglucagon,CAS :1544300-84-6 Dasiglucagon, a stable peptide analog of human glucagon, is a fast and effective treatment option for severe hypoglycemia. price>
R-M-1597 DPDPE,CAS:88373-73-3 Peptide that performs direct antinociceptive actions via the delta1-opioid receptor, while modulatory via the delta2-opioid receptor. price>
R-M-2082 SPDP-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP SPDP-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP is a cleavable peptide linker. The Val-Cit linker can bespecifically cleaved by Cathepsin B. Pyridyldithiol reactive group enables disulfide linkage with reduced cysteines and other sulfhydryl molecule. price>
R-M-1603 GEGFLGfL,CAS:61393-34-8 Inhibitor of cathepsin D, can be used as an affinity ligand for the isolation of cathepsin D. price>
R-M-1604 Ghrelin, human,CAS :258279-04-8 Growth-hormone releasing acylated peptide.Ghrelin (human) is an endogenous peptide GHS-R agonist.The GHS-R (growth hormone secretagogue receptor) potently stimulates growth hormone release from the pituitary gland in vivo and in vitro. It stimulates food intake and transduces signals to hypothalamic regulatory nuclei that control energy homeostasis. Ghrelin (human) is an activator of GHS-R1a.Ghrelin (human) is an endogenous agonist peptide for the ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1a). Produced mainly by the stomach, it stimulates release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in vitro and in vivo, and regulates feeding, growth and energy production. price>
R-M-1607 IRRP1,CAS :153840-64-3 The peptide IRRP1 is derived from a consensus IFN-alpha sequence and corresponds to a putative receptor recognition domain of IFN-alpha. The binding capacity of cells for IFN-alphas was increased in the presence of IRRP1. Increased receptor occupancy resulted in increased phosphorylation-activation of the transcription factor ISGF3 and enhanced antiviral activity. price>