Catalog name Description price
R-CL-002 1,3-Etheno-2H-isoindole-2-pentanoic acid, 1,3-dihydro-δ-oxo- Ruixi Biotechnology Co., a well-known biotechnology company in China.Our company focuses on the production and sales of scientific research level drug delivery and drug nano targeting products.At present,the company products mainly include synthetic phospholipids,PEG derivatives,block copolymers,gold nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, mesoporous silica,reactive fluorescent dyes,fluorescence quantum Dot,click chemistry and macrocyclic ligands,and so on.We can also provide 1,3-Etheno-2H-isoindole-2-pentanoic acid,1,3-dihydro-δ-oxo-. price>
R-CL-003 1,3-Etheno-2H-isoindole-2-pentanoic acid NHS ester, 1,3-dihydro-δ-oxo- Ruixi Biotechnology Co., a well-known biotechnology company in China.Our company focuses on the production and sales of scientific research level drug delivery and drug nano targeting products.At present,the company products mainly include synthetic phospholipids,PEG derivatives,block copolymers,gold nanoparticles,magnetic nanoparticles,mesoporous silica,reactive fluorescent dyes, fluorescence quantum Dot,click chemistry and macrocyclic ligands,and so on.We can also provide 1,3-Etheno-2H-isoindole-2-pentanoic acid NHS ester,1,3-dihydro-δ-oxo-. price>
R-CL-005 (2E)TCO-PNB Ester Trans cyclooctene (TCO),as a amphiphilic monomer,has been widely used in biological and material science research due to its advantages of no catalyst and fast reaction rate under physiological conditions.Ruixi bio provides(2E)TCO-PNB Ester. price>
R-CL-007 Boc-NH-ethyl-SS-propionic acid BOC NH ethyl SS propionic acid is a cleavable ADC linker,which can be used to synthesize antibody coupled drugs(ADC).BOC NH ethyl SS propionic acid is a cleavable disulfide bond for bioconjugation,which contains a terminal BOC protecting amino group and a propionic acid group.Ruixi can provide Boc-NH-ethyl-SS-propionic acid. price>
R-CL-010 SPDP-PEG4-NHS ester Propionate is an important feed preservative.Hydroxysuccinimide,a compound.The product and its derivatives are important raw materials for the synthesis of peptides,antibiotics,amino acids,proteins,etc.It can be used to prepare active ester and inhibit the occurrence of its optical rotation during peptide coupling.Ruixi can provide products SPDP-PEG4-NHS ester. price>
R-CL-011 (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG4-propargyl The products of Ruixi Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.include:protein crosslinking agent, dendrimer,cyclodextrin derivatives, macrocyclic ligands,fluorescent quantum dots,graphene or graphene oxide,silica and mesoporous silica,polymer microspheres,near-infrared fluorescent dyes,polystyrene microspheres,up conversion nano luminescent particles,MRI products,Fluorescent protein and fluorescent probe,etc.Ruixi can provide (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG4-propargyl. price>
R-CL-012 (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG4-alcohol The protein modification increased the peg n spacer,increased the water solubility,decreased the immunogenicity of the marker molecule,and enhanced the stability in vivo.Functionalization of solid surfaces,such as quantum dots, self-assembled monolayers and nanoparticles,significantly reduces the binding of non-specific proteins to polyethylene glycol.Ruixi can provide such products (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG4-alcohol. price>
R-CL-013 (2-pyridyldithio)-PEG2-t-butyl ester Pyridyldithio was used in the determination of sulfhydryl groups in biomaterials,as well as in the lactone reaction reagent and sulfinylation reagent of hydroxy acid and PPh3.T-butyl ester is miscible with ethanol and ether,but not soluble in water. price>
R-H-0001 5-Hexynoic acid NHS ester Ruixi Biotechnology Co., a well-known biotechnology company in China.At present,the company products mainly include synthetic phospholipids,PEG derivatives,block copolymers,gold nanoparticles,magnetic nanoparticles,mesoporous silica,reactive fluorescent dyes,fluorescent quantum dots,click chemistry and macrocyclic ligands and so on.ruxi can provide special customized products. price>
R-CQ-009 Alkyne maleimide Maleimide (2,5-pyrrolidone) is a novel functional group on the surface of nanoparticles,which is easy to couple with cell penetrating peptides.The coupling can be realized by click chemistry,and its biological function can be retained.It is used in organic synthesis.Rhodium catalyzed arylation of arylboronic acids.We can provide such products Alkyne maleimide. price>