Catalog name Description price
R-C-4514 CHO-PEG750-SS-DSPE DSPE-SS(disulfide bond)-PEG-CHO distearoyl phosphatidylethanolamine disulfide bond polyethylene glycol silane aldehyde group is unique to our company.We can also provide various customized synthesis services of DSPE-PEG peptide and DSPE-PEG-small molecule.Phospholipid is a high-quality material formed by liposomes, which can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery. PEGylated phospholipids can significantly improve blood circulation time and stabilize drug encapsulation.It can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying drug surface ligands. price>
R-C-4515 DSPE-S-S-PEG350-NPC It is a linear cross functional PEGylation reagent containing DSPE phospholipids and NPC(Nitrophenyl Carbonates).It is an effective self-assembly reagent for the preparation of polyethylene glycol liposomes or micelles, and also provides a Nitrophenyl Carbonates group coupled with thiol molecules.It is commonly used in targeted drug delivery. Lipid bilayer improves the solubility of drugs. price>
R-C-4516 DSPE-S-S-polyethylene glycol550-NPC It is a linear cross functional PEGylation reagent containing DSPE phospholipids and NPC(Nitrophenyl Carbonates).It is an effective self-assembly reagent for the preparation of polyethylene glycol liposomes or micelles, and also provides a Nitrophenyl Carbonates group coupled with thiol molecules.It is commonly used in targeted drug delivery. Lipid bilayer improves the solubility of drugs. price>
R-C-4517 DSPE-S-S-PEG750-Nitrophenyl Carbonates It is a linear cross functional PEGylation reagent containing DSPE phospholipids and NPC(Nitrophenyl Carbonates).It is an effective self-assembly reagent for the preparation of polyethylene glycol liposomes or micelles, and also provides a Nitrophenyl Carbonates group coupled with thiol molecules.It is commonly used in targeted drug delivery. Lipid bilayer improves the solubility of drugs. price>
R-C-4518 DSPE-PEG350-benzylguanine PEG is a linear polymer material which is polymerized by ethylene glycol monomer. In PEG lipid complex,due to the weak connection between PEG or PEG stearic acid and liposome,it can not effectively reduce the uptake of res to liposome.The connection between PEG and DSPE is firm, and the ability to protect the liposome from being destroyed is the strongest.O6-Benzylguanine (O6-BG) is a synthetic derivative of guanine.It is an antineoplastic agent. It exerts its effect by acting as a suicide inhibitor of the enzyme O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase which leads to interruption of DNA repair. price>
R-C-4519 DSPE-polyethylene glycol550-benzylguanine PEG is a linear polymer material which is polymerized by ethylene glycol monomer. In PEG lipid complex,due to the weak connection between PEG or PEG stearic acid and liposome,it can not effectively reduce the uptake of res to liposome.The connection between PEG and DSPE is firm, and the ability to protect the liposome from being destroyed is the strongest.O6-Benzylguanine (O6-BG) is a synthetic derivative of guanine.It is an antineoplastic agent. It exerts its effect by acting as a suicide inhibitor of the enzyme O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase which leads to interruption of DNA repair. price>
R-C-4520 benzylguanine-PEG750-DSPE PEG is a linear polymer material which is polymerized by ethylene glycol monomer. In PEG lipid complex,due to the weak connection between PEG or PEG stearic acid and liposome,it can not effectively reduce the uptake of res to liposome.The connection between PEG and DSPE is firm, and the ability to protect the liposome from being destroyed is the strongest.O6-Benzylguanine (O6-BG) is a synthetic derivative of guanine.It is an antineoplastic agent. It exerts its effect by acting as a suicide inhibitor of the enzyme O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase which leads to interruption of DNA repair. price>
R-C-4521 DOPE-PEG350-CY5 Cy5 fluorescent dyes:dyes that emit fluorescence.Cy5 fluorescent dyes can be used alone or combined into compound fluorescent dyes.The compound fluorescent dye is a kind of fluorescent dye synthesized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology.It is composed of a donor and a acceptor fluorescent molecule which is very close and energy can be transferred between each other.It can be used in medical research,drug release,nanotechnology and new materials research,cell culture. price>
R-C-4522 DOPE-polyethylene glycol550-Cyanine 5 Cy5 fluorescent dyes:dyes that emit fluorescence.Cy5 fluorescent dyes can be used alone or combined into compound fluorescent dyes.The compound fluorescent dye is a kind of fluorescent dye synthesized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology.It is composed of a donor and a acceptor fluorescent molecule which is very close and energy can be transferred between each other.It can be used in medical research,drug release,nanotechnology and new materials research,cell culture. price>
R-C-4523 CY5-PEG750-DOPE Cy5 fluorescent dyes:dyes that emit fluorescence.Cy5 fluorescent dyes can be used alone or combined into compound fluorescent dyes.The compound fluorescent dye is a kind of fluorescent dye synthesized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology.It is composed of a donor and a acceptor fluorescent molecule which is very close and energy can be transferred between each other.It can be used in medical research,drug release,nanotechnology and new materials research,cell culture. price>