Catalog name Description price
R-C-250 DSPE-PEG-polycarboxybetaine Internal ammonium amphoteric surfactant,also known as betaine type amphoteric surfactant,can be widely used as hair care agent,softener, antistatic agent, food or pharmaceutical emulsifier,printing and dyeing auxiliaries,etc.DSPE (MPEG DSPE) is a kind of phospholipid peg derivative with terminal DSPE group at PEG end. price>
R-C-251 Testosterone-PEG-DSPE DSPE is a kind of C18 saturated phospholipid with high hydrophobicity. Polyethylene glycol DSPE shows excellent amphiphilic properties,and has advantages in encapsulation and transfer of small and large molecules.Our DSPE-PEG has been used in liposome drug preparations,cell membrane research and many other studies. price>
R-C-252 DSPE-SS-PEG-Silane DSPE(MPEG DSPE) is a kind of phospholipid peg derivative with terminal DSPE group at PEG end.Redox sensitive micelles SS disulfide block copolymers polymer micelles are a kind of nanoparticles with unique core-shell structure formed by self-assembly of amphiphilic polymers in selective solvents.They are commonly used as self-contained drug carriers. price>
R-C-253 DSPE-SS-PEG-N3 Dspe-peg-n3 is a kind of click chemical peg reagent.Azido group can easily react with alkynyl group under the catalysis of copper catalyst.Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coupled DSPE is hydrophilic and can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and biomolecular modification.PEGylation of phospholipid significantly improved the blood circulation time and stability of capsule drugs. Polyethylene glycol can enhance solubility and stability,reduce the surface nonspecific binding of charged molecules,and reduce the immunogenicity of peptides. price>
R-C-255 DSPE-SS-PEG-Alkyne DSPE SS (disulfide bond)-peg alkyne Distearyl phosphatidylethanolamine disulfide bond polyethylene glycol alkynyl is unique to our company.We can also provide customized synthesis service products of DSPE-PEG peptide and dspe-peg-small molecule. price>
R-C-256 DSPE-SS-PEG-CHO Dspe-ss(disulfide bond)-peg-cho distearoyl phosphatidylethanolamine disulfide bond polyethylene glycol silane aldehyde group is unique to our company.We can also provide various customized synthesis services of DSPE-PEG peptide and dspe-peg-small molecule.Phospholipid is a high-quality material formed by liposomes, which can be used for drug delivery,gene transfection and vaccine delivery. PEGylated phospholipids can significantly improve blood circulation time and stabilize drug encapsulation.It can also be used for targeted drug delivery by modifying drug surface ligands. price>
R-C-257 DSPE-S-S-PEG-NPC It is a linear cross functional PEGylation reagent containing DSPE phospholipids and NPC.It is an effective self-assembly reagent for the preparation of polyethylene glycol liposomes or micelles, and also provides a NPC group coupled with thiol molecules.It is commonly used in targeted drug delivery. Lipid bilayer improves the solubility of drugs.Peg provides stealth,prolongs the half-life of circulation,and reduces nonspecific protein binding or cell adhesion.Acid groups are used to bind targeted molecules,including antibodies,aptamers,proteins and peptides. price>
R-C-259 DSPE-PEG2000-benzylguanine Peg is a linear polymer material which is polymerized by ethylene glycol monomer. In PEG lipid complex,due to the weak connection between PEG or PEG stearic acid and liposome,it can not effectively reduce the uptake of res to liposome.The ability of PEG dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglyceride and PEG cholesterol to prolong the half-life of liposomes was stronger than that of PEG or PEG stearic acid alone,but lower than DSPE-PEG.Peg and DSPE are connected by carbamate bond,and there are two saturated acyl chains.The lipophilic end is DSPE and the hydrophilic end is peg.The connection between PEG and DSPE is firm, and the ability to protect the liposome from being destroyed is the strongest. price>
R-C-260 DOPE-PEG-CY5 Cy5 fluorescent dyes:dyes that emit fluorescence.Cy5 fluorescent dyes can be used alone or combined into compound fluorescent dyes.The compound fluorescent dye is a kind of fluorescent dye synthesized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology.It is composed of a donor and a acceptor fluorescent molecule which is very close and energy can be transferred between each other.It can be used in medical research,drug release,nanotechnology and new materials research,cell culture.And the active compounds such as ligand research,peptide synthesis support,graft polymer,new materials and polyethylene glycol modified functional coating. price>
R-C-261 DOPE-PEG-CY7.5 Polyethylene glycol phospholipid is an excellent material to form liposomes, which can be used for gene transfection,vaccine delivery,drug delivery and targeted drug use.Phospholipids are hydrophobic and hydrophilic.It can be used to modify protein drugs,peptide compounds, organic small molecule drugs, biomaterials and so on.Cy7.5 is a fluorescent imaging agent (ex=700-770nm,EM = 790nm) and magnetic resonance imaging agent. price>