Catalog name Description price
R-C-410 PASP-PEG-NHS Poly(L-Aspartic acid)-poly (ethylene glycol)-N-hydroxysuccinimide is a water-soluble polymer,which is a new green water treatment agent.It has the characteristics of phosphorus free,non-toxic,pollution-free and completely biodegradable.At the same time,it has dispersing effect and can effectively prevent the corrosion of metal equipment. price>
R-C-411 PASP-PEG-N3 Poly(L-Aspartic acid)-peg azide(pasp-peg-n3) is a linear amphiphilic block copolymer(ABC),which has poly(L-Aspartic acid)as hydrophobic part and azide functionalized peg as hydrophilic part.P(L-Asp)-peg-n3 has reactive groups on both parts,i.e.the side group free COOH on P(L-Asp)can be used to modify the micelle core,while N3 on PEG can be used to modify proteins,peptides and other materials.Azide groups can react with alkynes in copper catalyzed aqueous solution.It can also be easily reduced to amines. price>
R-C-412 PASP-PEG-SH Amino polyethylene glycol polyaspartic acid(nh2-peg-pasp)is one of the heterobifunctional PEG derivatives.The heterobifunctional amino peg polyaspartic acid has an amino group and a peg coupled polyaspartic acid.Pasp-peg-sh is one of the most commonly used biodegradable functional polymers and polypeptide amino acid copolymers.It can be used for passive targeting,active targeting and drug delivery of micelles and vesicles. price>
R-C-414 PS-b-PDLLA Poly(D,L-lactide)(PDLLA)is a biodegradable polymer material in vivo.It can be used for bone material,surgical suture, agricultural film,blow molding and thermoplastic processing. price>
R-C-415 PS-b-PLLA Because there is an asymmetric carbon atom in the molecule of lactic acid,which has optical activity,polylactic acid can also be divided into right-handed polylactic acid (pdla),left-handed polylactic acid(PLLA),racemic polylactic acid (PDLLA)and non optical polylactic acid (meso PLA).PLA is an important biodegradable polymer material,which is characterized by non-toxic,non irritating,biodegradable absorption,high strength,good plasticity and easy processing. price>
R-C-416 PCL-b-PEI Polycaprolactone is a kind of organic polymer, which is catalyzed by ε- caprolactone in metal organic compounds (such as tetraphenyltin). Polyethyleneimine solid materials can absorb a lot of carbon dioxide in humid air,and the separation process is very convenient. price>
R-C-417 PLGA-b-PLL PLGA-b-PLL poly(lactic co glycolic acid) (plga-b-pll) crosslinked poly (L-lysine) is one of the most commonly used biodegradable polymers for drug encapsulation, drug solubilization and drug delivery,which can be used to prepare new targeted products such as micelles or vesicles. price>
R-C-419 PS-PPBD Our company can provide a variety of copolymers,but also can provide a variety of special custom copolymers. price>
R-C-420 PEO-b-PAMD Polyethylene oxide(PEO),also known as polyethylene oxide,is a kind of crystalline,thermoplastic water-soluble polymer.It can form complexes with many organic low molecular compounds,polymers and some inorganic electrolytes. price>
R-C-421 PEO-b-PTMEG Polyethylene oxide (PEO),also known as polyethylene oxide,is a kind of crystalline,thermoplastic water-soluble polymer.It can form complexes with many organic low molecular compounds,polymers and some inorganic electrolytes. Properties:white vinegar solid,when the temperature exceeds room temperature,it will become transparent liquid.It is soluble in alcohols,esters,ketones,aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons,but insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons and water.When the molecular weight increases,the solubility decreases.At room temperature,PTMEG has water absorption.Its water absorption depends on its molecular weight,and it can absorb 2% water at the highest. price>