Catalog name Description price
R-M1-8348 Svsvgmkpsprp Svsvgmkpsprp is a sequence peptide. price>
R-M1-8370 Ac-CDDGFAEKFKEAVKDYFAKFWD Ac-CDDGFAEKFKEAVKDYFAKFWD is a sequence peptide that can modify materials such as fluorescent dyes and pegs. price>
R-M1-8432 C-FFVLK-WQWKKPRLLR C-FFVLK-WQWKKPRLLR is a peptide sequence with potential applications in biomedical research and can serve as a specific targeting tool in various therapeutic and diagnostic applications. price>
R-M1-8435 CFPYIARPLPRAHIKEYFY CFPYIARPLPRAHIKEYFY represents a specific sequence of amino acids. price>
R-M1-8535 LRSKSRSFQVSDEQYPDATDE-GGGGS-YPYDVPDYA-GGGGS- PSRLEEELRRRLTE LRSKSRSFQVSDEQYPDATDE GGGS YPYDVPDYA-GGGGS PSRLEEELRRRLTE is a peptide sequence that can be used for drug delivery systems and cancer research. price>
R-M1-8538 SPALHFLGGGSC SPALHFLGGGSC may be used for targeted drug delivery or as a molecular probe in biomedical research. price>
R-M1-8605 (VVVVVVKKGRGDS (AP1) VVVVKKGRGDS/(VVVVVVKKGRGDS (AP1) is a pH sensitive amphiphilic peptide molecule that can serve as a carrier for anti-tumor drugs. price>
R-M1-8625 RGFLGTTGGRLRLIS Peptide RGFLGTTGGRLRLIS can be used for targeted drug delivery and cancer research. price>
R-M1-8626 GRFLTGGTGRLLRIS GRFLTGGTGRLLRIS can be used for targeted drug delivery and cancer research. price>